Health Alternative

Health Alternative


For: Alternatives, Healthy Eating Lifestyle, Biblical Faith and Fitness

  • Complete CHI training workshop to learn the Plan.
  • Will train assistance in this project.
  • Will connect with Community People Groups and Faith People groups.
  • Study syllabus on The Ministry of Jesus Christ on Healing.
  • Have knowledge of Faith in the Word of God (Healing Scriptures) and understand faith life style on how to apply the Word of faith to health issues.
  • Know the field of nutritional alternatives for health issues.
  • Need continual study of up-dated knowledge on alternative resources (Supplements and Food) with a library of up-dated books and materials.
  • Have Knowledge of healthy eating habits and alternative lifestyle.
  • Connect with community group leaders and business professional leaders’ teams who has contacted companies that are willing to provide materials,
  • books and alternative supplements, resources and monetary gifts for this project.
  • Keep up with stock of books, materials and alternative resources along with who gave and who received. This will be provision for those who
  • choose the alternative health lifestyles.
  • Choose health fitness leader to work with this alternative project.
  • Connect with business professions group that will get volunteers to provide equipment, buildings, and monetary donations, along with gym owners who are willing to provide free services to those who are members of the CHI Plan.
  • Need volunteer fitness leader teams for this group and project.
  • People group survey cards will provide those who are interested in fitness field. Telephone team and visitation teams will follow-up on those interested in this area. People of this interest will be assigned to health alternative leader and team.
  • Survey Cards or registration forms will be filled out by volunteers for this group to go to homes within the community to find those interested in the Field of fitness, dance, aerobics gymnastics and nautilus.
  • All people group members of CHI will have opportunity and free access to fitness benefits.
  • Choose volunteers to teach on personal hygiene for referred community clients.
  • Beauty shop owners will be signed by People Group survey teams and will be ask to provide free services to those who are not financial stable and cannot afford hair services. The owners will have special benefits by being a member of the CHI Plan. They will be connected to all community.
  • Volunteers, leaders and teams (CHI members) of people providing professional services such as make-overs (facials), and manicures professions will work with this alternative leader also providing for the needy. Special benefits will be provided through the CHI Plan.
  • Alternative Leader and assistance will work with business professional leader and volunteer services and volunteers.
  • Many of the volunteers will become active in The Great Commission through People Groups.
  • Volunteers with this Group Will also survey community to fill out cards for those who want to provide services and business professions to the needy who are CHI members in the community.
  • Paper work will be required of each leader within the Health Alternative Leader group. Report book will provide forms. Fitness leader, Nutritional leader, Health food leader Personal hygiene leader, Services leader and Professions leader.
  • Each leader in the Alternative Group will have volunteers and train assistances.

All other Information of Promotions and rewards provided at CHI workshop.

This Ministry will be a special blessing to help the needy in the Community!

I Would Like To:

Help Underprivileged people in my community through CHI people groups

Sponsor a Partner Event 

Volunteer in a People Group in my Community 

Start or Join a People Group in my Community (fill out form for choice of group)

Teach a Job Skill or (provide equipment to train a skill)

Teach Music Skills or provide (music equipment to teach and give others opportunity)

Start a Music Group (voice or band ) in my Community through CHI People Group

Teach Drama Skills to the underpriviledged in my Community

Start a Drama Team in my Community through CHI People Group

Click here - (and fill out the form for above choice or choices)

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