CHI Materials


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Equipped for Purpose

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"Community Hope International" Introduction:
The DVD is an introduction showing materials and explaining the need.

Survey Form

This is Community Hope International registration and survey form will be used by all people involved in the community plan, to register every home as they survey community. This form will give information to leaders. The information will include the name of those in the home, their professions, businesses, employments, special interest, special needs, and volunteer opportunity A copy will go to Group leader, one to Church or Organization Sector and one to Community Hope International department that we may assist the groups in their success in the CHI Plan and Funding.

Four Panel Brochure

This is a colorful printed brochure that is given out to each home within the community, with the vision and mission along with opportunity to sign-up and mail in to the community Hope Department. Intern is given as a referral to your community group in your city.

This brochure will offer opportunity to receive help or be a part in helping others in some way, or both.

Home Groups Outreach Referral Brochure

This fold over card brochure has two parts one for the new group member and another part goes to group leader. This card has a place for family, friends and neighbors as referrals for the group leader and telephone follow-up teams to receive who are a part of the community group. This card will also have a place for people to sign-up as a member of the community plan and will also give information as to what Church or Organization they are a part of, if any in their community.

Leadership Assignments Book

This book has the mission and vision and is one of the most important books in giving understanding as to how people will connect and work together such as Churches, Church groups and many other Community Organizations. This book gives understanding in all the assignments for everyone in Community groups, Church groups, or any Non-profit sector. A list of leadership positions will be available to them within their Church or Community groups. This book will also explain how people may excel to higher positions of responsibility in a desired purpose to successful in paid positions if successful and so desired.

Trainning Workshop Book

This Book also has the mission and vision that everyone may work toward the same goals in people helping people. This book gives clear direction in how to deal with those in the community to reach the harvest of souls that is urgent. The book will also teach the importance of prayer and Praying effectively. The book will also teach how to understand and confront false religion.

Leadership Commitment CD Reports

This CD will list the many opportunities available to work together and connect in your Church and Community or organization. The Reports CD will also define weekly responsibilities and how to keep records and give assignment to be responsible for group information to people working in different positions in different levels. The Reports will be important for all leaders to see the success of the group in people helping people.

Leadership Commitment Reports Book

This Book will list the many opportunities available to work together and connect in your Church and Community or organization. The Reports Book will also define weekly responsibilities and how to keep records and give assignment to be responsible for group information to people working in different positions in different levels. The Reports will be important for all leaders to see the success of the group in people helping people.

The reports are also on CD and may be downloaded on your computer for copies.

Ministry of Jesus Chirst

This Book will give direction in carrying out The Great Commission, the need, and rewards.

The Ministry Of Jesus Book will give all those who hear the teaching inspiration to go to work in the Harvest quickly. It will show the need for soul winning and the commission to do so. This book will be taught in cell groups, church groups, home groups and any group that desire to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in their relationship to God.

Ministry of Jesus Christ Cassette

These cassettes will give direction in carrying out The Great Commission, the need, and rewards.

The Ministry Of Jesus will give all those who hear the teaching inspiration to go to work in the Harvest quickly. It will show the need for soul winning and the commission to do so. This book will be taught in cell groups, church groups, home groups and any group that desire to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in their relationship to God.

Small Booklet

Plan Example)
This small booklet will give a small portion as to how the plan will work and how people may receive promotion within their groups, Community and Cities to excel to paid positions if so desired while working in their desired purpose. The booklet will also give information about the President and Vice president of Community Hope International along with charter reference.

The Church Book

The Book will give information on Church Government, and Church Administration and many other topics. This Book will give knowledge for positions within the Church body and will be an asset to any church member or church leader or pastor.

Health and Wisdom Tape or CD Set

This 4 set series will give insight on addiction and how to overcome. It will give Scripture definition to problems and help you to have knowledge in accomplishing good health

God’s Solution on Community Issues in Economical and Spiritual Depression

Book- “God’s Solution on Community Issues in Economical and Spiritual Depression,” This book will give tremendous insight on what many communities are facing now and in the future.

Vision Mission CD or Tape

This is a 15 min. cassette tape or CD for every home within the community, to have opportunity to learn about Community Hope International Plan, Vision and Mission. This tape will also talk to them about being a part of people helping people. A sinners prayer will be offered to pray and except Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, as they listen.
Number for contact offered for response. 336-366-4373

Minstry of Jesus Christ CD Set

These CDs will give direction in carrying out The Great Commission, the need, and rewards.

The Ministry Of Jesus will give all those who hear the teaching inspiration to go to work in the Harvest quickly. It will show the need for soul winning and the commission to do so. This book will be taught in cell groups, church groups, home groups and any group that desire to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in their relationship to God.

I Would Like To:

Help Underprivileged people in my community through CHI people groups

Sponsor a Partner Event 

Volunteer in a People Group in my Community 

Start or Join a People Group in my Community (fill out form for choice of group)

Teach a Job Skill or (provide equipment to train a skill)

Teach Music Skills or provide (music equipment to teach and give others opportunity)

Start a Music Group (voice or band ) in my Community through CHI People Group

Teach Drama Skills to the underpriviledged in my Community

Start a Drama Team in my Community through CHI People Group

Click here - (and fill out the form for above choice or choices)

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