Senior Leaders Assignments

Senior Citizen Leadership


  • Seniors and Teams will collect registration or survey cards that has come from Church and Community Group Leaders.  The shut-ins and those who are disable needing help in some area of care, will receive help. The elderly and shut-ins who may not have family members that care and visit, will receive visitation and needs met through these teams.
  • Seniors will call those who have volunteered and also prepare to get more volunteers, for this assignment.
  • Volunteers will also prepare meals to deliver needed food.
  • Seniors will need volunteers to deliver special meals at times.
  • Light house work will also be provided at times when needed.
  • At times help will be given to those who need personal hygiene attention or baths.
  • Seniors and their teams will meet needs of the needy in capacity needed or connect people who can supply the help.
  • Seniors Teacher Leader will make arrangements in home of the elderly for a special Bible study to bring encouragement to the home.
  • Senior Outreach Leader will make arrangements for family and friends of the shut-ins and elderly to attend bible study meetings. The Senior Teams must have love and passion for these people.
  • Paper work will be provided and completed after meetings.
  • Get volunteers for AM and PM Prayer teams and Pray Chain for community.
  • Receive volunteers and work together with people on your teams that want to help in food and clothing in the senior group.
  • Seniors will also help in area of transportation and volunteer to provide job skills to groups within the community of their cities.

    Materials have been prepared for this CHI Plan.

I Would Like To:

Help Underprivileged people in my community through CHI people groups

Sponsor a Partner Event 

Volunteer in a People Group in my Community 

Start or Join a People Group in my Community (fill out form for choice of group)

Teach a Job Skill or (provide equipment to train a skill)

Teach Music Skills or provide (music equipment to teach and give others opportunity)

Start a Music Group (voice or band ) in my Community through CHI People Group

Teach Drama Skills to the underpriviledged in my Community

Start a Drama Team in my Community through CHI People Group

Click here - (and fill out the form for above choice or choices)

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